2020 MdQI Modal Award – Projects Under $5 Million
This project was very challenging due to the nature of the work. Five existing drainage swales with large drainage areas that did not provide SWM treatment were identified and converted to MDE-approved BMPs. The new BMPs include one new surface sand filter, one new wet swale, one new bioretention facility, and two new submerged gravel wetlands. Our team worked closely with WBCM and MES to complete this work under a very tight schedule.
The job had a rough start, dealing with one of the wettest seasons we’ve experienced in many years. There were many days of dewatering and mucking out, and our crews came up with creative ideas just to access some of the worst areas.
Combined, the new BMPs treat over 11 acres of previously untreated impervious area. P. Flanigan & Sons can look back on this job and know that we gave it our all, the project turned out great without any safety issues, and we received an award from MdQI for a job well done.